Scented cream with a touch of pink in the flower 2m
Olive. Handsome tree with beautiful green-silver foliage. Requires full sun and deep, fertile well drained soil. Small insignificant white flowers are followed by oval fruits.
Lemonwood. Hardy and rapid growth. Full sun or semi shade. Shelter screen for all areas. Dense. Can be pruned if required evergreen.5m
Golden totara. Stony or dry ground. Hardy avoid wet position.4.5m
Evergreen bushy dense shrub. Reddish purple shoots bear oval glossy green leaves. Small fragant white flowers appear in early summer.
Evergreen bushy dense shrub. Reddish purple shoots bear oval glossy green leaves. Small fragant white flowers appear in early summer.
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Australian Rose Apple. E. 6x4m-small tree with coppery young growth, dark green foliage-ideal for shelter from wind-frost tender when young-fast growing.
Golden yew. Very slow growing, long term plant, full sun, good drainage. Hardy, excellent in pots formal plantings, evergreen compact bush.2x1.5m
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Bright green leaves, glossy varnished appearance. Clusters of white slightly fragrant flowers in late spring. Red fruit ripening to black.4m. E